ELVIA Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance Online

As simple as that
Attractive Premiums
More Security
Outstanding Customer Service

For more security on the Internet: our cyber insurance covers you and your loved ones against the consequences of cyber crime. We are there for you if a family member is bullied on social media or if you fall victim to a cyber attack, and we also help with other cyber risks such as the theft, abuse and loss of data.

  • Cover against violations of personality rights on the Internet
  • Purchase protection for online shopping
  • Modern legal protection
  • Data recovery
  • For everyone in the same household
  • No deductible
Cyber risks come in a variety of forms. We will be there for you in the following cases:

Our cyber insurance supports your cause in the event of cyber bullying or violations of personality rights on the Internet – for instance if embarrassing photos are distributed on the Internet without your consent.

  • Removal of defamatory content up to CHF 20 000.–
  • Legal support up to CHF 20 000.–
  • Psychological care up to CHF 3000.–
ELVIA Cyberversicherung Rufschädigung
ELVIA Cyberversicherung Schutz für Ihr Portemonnaie

We protect your assets if goods you order on the Internet are not delivered or are delivered incorrectly, or if cyber criminals steal your credit card data and go on an online shopping spree with it.

  • Financial losses from online shopping up to CHF 20 000.–
  • Financial losses from the misuse of personal data up to CHF 20 000.–

We offer you professional support with data recovery, such as in the event of cyber attacks or if malware destroys your data.

  • Data recovery and malware removal up to CHF 5000.–
ELVIA Cyberversicherung Schutz für Ihre Daten

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Whether it’s for feedback, advice or support, you will find our contact information here.
Want to know the exact details? All our documents are available here for you to download, save and read at your leisure.
A loss can happen in the blink of an eye. Thanks to our 24/7 claims service, you can report it quickly, too.

Combined household insurance

Household contents and liability in one: our combined household insurance keeps everything in good order at your home.

Travel insurance

Holidays are the nicest time of year. Our travel insurance enables you to say goodbye to your worries and simply enjoy your trip.
What is underinsurance and how can you calculate the correct sum insured for your household contents? We will help you.